photo: rick soloway

Some fun IBC stuff around the web...

VERY Interesting news!!! You too will soon be able to buy this record without lurking over at Ebay for months on end, just to find one listed for well over $50.00!
The Story: dangerousminds - Inflatable Boy Clams

Superior Viaduct: Inflatable Boy Clams s/t 2X7" $15.00

This is Hanging Rock Comics - Serious Business Indeed

's video for I'm Sorry.

JoJo has written a poem for us (she performs under the name Monique Marquisa De Magdalena these days). You can read it on the "STORIES" page.

Welcome to Inflatable Boy Clams dot com. This is a record that will haunt me 'till the day I die. The first time I heard this record back in the early 80's I was mesmerized. With my music list online, I often get emails from all over asking about this record, so I thought to get the domain name and spread the gospel that is Inflatable Boy Clams. This is an ongoing research project and I hope to get more info for the site. I've had contact with many involved including a few band members. If you have any stories, or just want to sat 'hi,' let me know via .
Brooks Ayola